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We are proud to announce that Agrioil has recently been featured by major news outlets for our commitment to sustainability, respect for people, and environmental responsibility. These values are at the heart of our company and perfectly align with consumer preferences for sustainable and ethical products.

Our Commitment to Sustainability

At Agrioil, we have integrated social and environmental responsibility into our business strategy. We have adopted the ISO 26000 standard and aligned ourselves with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda, demonstrating our concrete commitment to a more sustainable future.

Our actions include utilizing the Synesgy platform to evaluate and manage ESG performance throughout the supply chain and implementing the action painting initiative to improve corporate well-being. Additionally, we are proud to be qualified as a Benefit Corporation, further showcasing our commitment to generating a positive impact on society and the environment.

Transparency and Communication

For us, transparency and communication are fundamental. We maintain an ongoing dialogue with our customers and the community, ensuring that every action we take is clearly communicated and understood. This approach allows us to build a sustainable future and earn the trust of consumers.

Celebrating Our Successes

Abbiamo recentemente organizzato un evento speciale per celebrare i nostri successi nel campo della sostenibilità. La serata ha visto la partecipazione di artisti locali che hanno eseguito balli popolari e performance musicali, creando un’atmosfera magica che ha saputo coniugare tradizione e innovazione. I partecipanti hanno potuto apprezzare la qualità e l’autenticità del nostro olio, immergendosi nella cultura e nelle tradizioni del Cilento.

Looking to the Future

We will continue to pursue our goals with dedication and passion, offering high-quality products while respecting people, the environment, and the land. We are committed to creating new opportunities for recreation and culture, contributing to the well-being of the community.


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